Selamat Hari Raya Eid al-Fitri

Assalamualaikum, みは こんにちわ。

Tomorrow will be the most important day for Muslim after having 29 days of fasting.\(^0^)/ In japanese, fasting is called だんじき = Danjiki = Cut off food. [Click here for more info about japanese だんじき .] There are many benefits of fasting according to and

So, I would like to wish 'Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin. I want to seek apologize for any of my inapproriateness (is this word exist in english? lmao =ppp), misunderstand, thousands of mistakes, fail to fulfill promises, and etc.....

This is the time whereby we as a humankind back to our own fitrah after having 29days of cleaning our heart (Iman).(^_-)☆wink

# ことし I celebrate at Kelantan. woooohoooooo This is not an easy opportunity to get.  ( ゚∀(・-・)?
